
The fellows of the Association are allowed to write the title FABAP (Fellow of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy) with their names. Every year applications are invited for nomination of Fellows from the eminent academicians and researchers in the fields of Biotechnology and Pharmacy. Association EC will scrunitize the applications and announce the award of Fellows during its Annual Convention. Some eminent scientists and academaecians are considered for award of Honorary Fellows.
Every year, the Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy will confer some Fellowships and Honorary Fellowships to distinguished members of the Association basing on their excellence and commitment in their respective fields.   On behalf of the executive committee of ABAP, I invite the applications for the award of Fellowship from the life members of the Association on or before 1st October, every year in the prescribed proforma (see www.abap.co.in).

Who can apply – Professors/Principals/Directors working in Universities and Colleges, Scientists/Executives/Managers working in National Institutes/ Laboratories and Industries with a distinguished background are only eligible to apply. And all the applicants for Fellowship program should be basically the life members of the Association. The details of Annual Convention and other information can be seen in Association website (www.abap.co.in).

Download Application Form