

Aims and  Objectives
1)Promotion of Science and Technology in various areas of Biotechnology and  Pharmacy and their related areas
2)To organize meetings, conferences on scientific and technological issues and publish proceedings, journals, memoirs, transactions, etc. as may be considered desirable by the association.
3)To promote scientific and technological research concerned with the problems of national interest.
4)To undertake, through properly constituted committees and bodies,  such scientific work of technological or public impor­tance as it may be called upon  to perform
5)To co-operate with other organizations in India and abroad, having  similar objects, and to appoint representatives of the Association to act on national  and international bodies
6)To secure and manage funds and endowments for the promotion of science and  technology including the rights of disposing of, or selling all or any portion  of the properties of the Association
7)To do and perform all other activities, matters and things that may be  necessary for the fulfilment of the above-mentioned aims and objects of   the Association
8)To create an adequate scientific impact of the association all over the  country, it may open Chapters of the Association in other cities in the  country, where a reasonable number of scientists are interested
9)To establish, maintain and regulate the affairs of the institution and encourage sports,  literary, educational and cultural activities.
10) To promote unity discipline service and patriotism, to promote development in scientific, social fields to create the best desire towards national development programme.
11) To develop social contents and spirit of the fellow feeling among its members and to maintain a library with good books, periodicals and newspapers.

Rules and  Regulations
The Association shall consist of Honorary Fellows, Fellows and Members.
a) Fellows: There shall be Fellows and Honorary  Fellows.   The Fellow will be elected on the basis of distinguished contribution in Science and Technology including promotion and development and service towards the development of science. Fellows can use the letters FABP after their names. The procedure for election of fellows will be laid down by the regulations constituted by the council of association. Fellowship will become only effective after the payment of subscription.
 b) Honorary Fellows: Honorary Fellows will be elected by the  Council of the Association on a restricted basis for their most distinguished service to the cause of science.   And some of the foreign scientists who have contact with Indian scientists and contributing for the development of science will also be considered as Honorary Fellows.  The honorary fellows can use the letters FABAP after their names.
 (c) Members shall be open to all persons with graduate or equivalent academic qualifications and interested in advancement of science in India will be enrolled in accordance with the regulations of the Association.  The life membership will be a member for life.   The annual membership will become due on 1st April every year.   The members can use the letters  MABAP after their names.
All the Fellows and Life Members of the Association in good standing shall be  entitled to the following  privileges                                                      
a)  To attend and to vote at all General Body Meetings   
b)  To propose and second motions at the General Body Meetings
c)  All the Fellows will be entitled to write the letters FABP after their names and all the members are entitled to write MABAP after their names.
d)   All the Fellows and Members of the Association in good standing shall be entitled to all the privileges above besides, they may also propose names for Fellowship and Membership and would be eligible for election as Officers of the Association and Members of the Council.
Election  and Admission of Fellows and Members
1)  Fellows and Honorary Fellows shall be elected in accordance with Regulations.  Except in the case of Honorary Fellows, Fellowship will become effective after the payment of life subscription which shall be the same as in the case of members. Honorary Fellows would not be required to pay membership subscriptions.
2) Scientists for Membership shall be nominated by a Fellow and seconded by another Fellow of the Association. Nominations shall be laid before a meeting of the Membership Scrutiny Committee. Its recommendations shall be placed before the Council meeting.  Scientists approved by the Council for the membership would be enrolled as Members of the Association on payment of the necessary dues as Members.
3)  The General Secretary shall send a written announcement of the election to the respective Scientists who are elected as Fellows or Members and shall therewith send a copy of the rules in force for the time being.
4)  No person, although duly elected according to the rules, shall be entitled to  exercise the rights and privileges of Fellowship or Membership, nor shall  his/her name be entered in the Register of Fellows or Members, until he/she has  paid his/her subscription.
5)  The date of payment of the subscription shall be the date of commencement of  effective Fellowship/Membership. The payment of the subscription would imply  the acceptance of the Rules and Regulations of the Association in force for the  time being and of an undertaking to be bound by them and by such rules as may  there­after be framed.
6)  The rules 4 and 5 above shall be printed on the Nomination form to draw the  attention of the proposer and seconder, and these will be communicated to the  nominee at the time of  information that his/her nomination as  Fellow/Member has been accepted
i) The rate of subscription will be decided upon by the Council from time to  time
ii)  Fellows or members whose names have been removed from the Register for  non-payment of dues, may register themselves afresh by payment of such arrears  and other dues as may be required under the rules.
iii)  Patrons, Benefactors and Honorary Fellows of the Association would not be  required to pay membership subscription.

Cessation  of Fellowship/Membership
If  any Fellow or Member of the Association willfully disobeys Rules or Orders of  the Association or Council, or commits willfully breach of order at any of the  General Body Meetings, or having unwillingly committed, persists in any  disobedience or breach of order, after having been admonished by the President,  or if for any other reason it appears to the Council that the name of a Fellow  or Member shall not remain on the rolls, he/she shall be liable to be removed  from the Association. Whenever there appear such causes, as aforesaid, for the  removal of a Fellow or a Member from the Association, if a majority of the  Council after due deliberation, determines, to propose to the Association for  the removal of the said Fellow or Member, the President shall at a General Body  Meeting of the Association announce from the Chair such determination of the  Council, and should be submitted at the following Annual General Body Meeting.
The  Council and its Officers
The  administration, direction and management of the affairs of the Association  shall be entrusted to a Council.    The composition of the  Council of the Association will be as given below:
  i) President                  -          1
  ii)  Two Vice-Presidents - one from headquarters and the other from outstation -    2
  iii)  One Treasurer from headquarters       -          1
  iv) General Secretary. The General  Secretary from Head quarters will be permanent
  v)   Secretaries (one from each  region)                                        -         5
  vi)  Executive  Members                                                                       -      15       
  viii)   In addition to the 25 members who would constitute the Council as given   above, the President may nominate 5 persons as special invitees into the  Council from amongst Fellows of the Association whose presence in the Council,  in the opinion of the President, would be invaluable. Such invitees may be  nominated by the President soon after his/her election.   The term of the invitees would be the same as that of the President nominating them.  Special invitees would not have the right of vote.
  ix)  The President, the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, General Secretary and five  Secretaries shall be called the Officers of the  Association.
  x)   The offices of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, General  Secretary, Secretaries and executive membership of the Council shall be  filled by Fellows of   the Association only.
  xi)  The General Secretary will invite proposals from Fellowship for nomination to  various Offices and the Membership of the Council and will conduct the  proceedings of the election.    In the event of a vacancy  occurring during the year in the office of President, Vice-Presidents,  Treasurer, General Secretary, Secretaries, or members of the Council, the  remaining Members of the Council may fill up such a vacancy, the action so  taken by the remaining Members of the Council, shall be reported at the next  Annual General Body Meeting.

  • To organize a minimum of one Annual General Body meeting either separately or  along with annual convention
  • To open a bank account in the name of Association operated by Treasurer and  General Secretary jointly and either or survival
  • To approve the annual Budget of the Association as presented by the Treasurer on  behalf of the Standing Finance Committee and to approve such other expenses as  it may deem fit in the interest of the Association.
  • To consider, in the first instance, and before submission to a General Body  Meeting all communications addressed to the Association, and to regulate the  order and manner in which such communications shall be laid before the General  Body Meeting.
  • To superintend and direct the publication of journal and other works published by  the Association.
  • To appoint  salaried officers and employees as may be deemed necessary; to  define their duties, allowances, salaries, gratuities and privileges; and to  punish, suspend or dismiss them, or to dispense with their services, as the  occasion may require.
  • To exchange for other property or otherwise dispose of, in such a manner as  may, in their opinion, be best conducive to advance the objects and interests  of the Association, any books, journals, maps, specimens, etc. belonging to the  Association.
  • To prepare and submit to the Annual General Body Meeting a Report on the  activities and matter of  general concerns of the Association. Such report  shall include the balance sheet for the year and shall set forth the income and  expenditure for the financial year, the balance in hand, the debts and assets,  the prosperity, or otherwise of the Association.
  • To exercise general supervision over the employees and af­fairs of the  Association, and to assist in carrying out the Rules and Regulations of the  Association and Orders made by the Council.
  • To announce fellowships and offer concessions for memberships as and when required  basing on the genuinity of the individual cases.
  • The  powers and duties of the President shall be as follows
    (a)To preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Council and to  regulate the proceedings at such meetings
    (b)To ensure that due effect is given to the Rules, and to the Regulations made by  the Council.
    (c)To be ex-officio Member of all the Committees appointed by the Council.

    In the absence of the President from the country one of the Vice-Presidents  shall perform the duties of the President.
    The  duties of the General Secretary shall be as follows
    (a)To conduct the correspondence of the Association and of the Council, and to  sign all letters and papers on behalf of the Association
    (b)To attend the Meetings of the Association and of the Council; to take minutes  of the proceedings of such Meetings during their progress, and, at the  commencement of every such Meeting, to read the minutes of the previous Meeting
    (c)To announce at the Ordinary General Body Meetings, the presents made to the  Association since the last meeting and to report upon the progress in the  activities of the Association
    (d)To prepare and maintain an up-to-date list of Fellows and Members of the  Association
    (e)To enter, or cause to be entered in the Minute books, all the proceedings of  the Association and of the Council before the following Meeting, and to see  that all letters and papers and documents of every kind connected with the  business of the Association are properly filed and preserved
    (f)To sue and be sued in the name and on behalf of the Association
    (g)To exercise general supervision over the employees and affairs of the  Association, and to assist in carrying out the Rules and Regulations of the  Association and Orders made by the Council.
    (h)To sanction payments on behalf of the Association on scrutiny and satisfaction  of rules and provisions within limits prescribed by the budget approved by the  Council or sanctioned otherwise by the Council.
    (i)To be ex-officio Member of all Committees appointed by the Council
    (j)A General Secretary shall be ex-officio Secretary and Convener to the body of  Fellows and Members and the channel of communication between the Fellows and  Fellows and Members and the channel of communication between the Fellows and  Members and the Council of the Association.  He/she shall attend and act  as Secretary to the Meetings of Fellows prescribed in the Regulations and  General Body Meetings.
    (k)In the absence of General secretary one of the secretaries can act as general  Secretary
    The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows
    The Treasurer shall receive and hold for the use of the Association all money paid  to the Association.  He shall disburse all sums due from the Association  duly sanctioned by the appropriate authorities and shall keep exact accounts of all such receipts and payments.  Provided that the Council may delegate  and authorize on a proposal by the Treasurer, by a resolution, powers of  payments to such employees of the Association as it may deem fit for certain accounts.  Provided further that all such payments made by the employees  will be reported to the Treasurer within a fortnight of the payment.
    The functions of the council members and the rules and regulations of the  association can be amended and changed as per the requirement of the  association for effective functioning of the association.
    The quorum for the General Body should be 3/5 of the Members on rolls and to  the Executive Council it should be 3/5.Funds
    All contributions and donations collected or accepted shall usually forms  general funds of the Association.   Objects of the Association and no portion there of shall be paid or transferred to any of its executive council  and Members directly through any means.
    No amendment or alteration shall be made in the purpose of the Association  unless it is voted by 3/5” of the executive council present at a meeting  covered for the purpose and confirmed by 3/5” of the executive council agreed  at the second special meeting.
    Winding  up
    In  case the Association has to be wind up, it shall be governed by sections of the  societies Registration Act 2001 and that the property funds of the Association  that will remain after full satisfaction of the liabilities of the association  will be transferred or paid to some other institution having similar aims and  objects as voted by the General Body.  No amendments or alterations shall  be made in the purpose of the Association unless it is voted by 3/5” of the  Members agreed at the second special meting.   There is no commercial  motive or business in forming the association.